If you are attending a clinic and would like to know more about your assessment.
About Koseen Ford & Associates
Koseen Ford & Associates are an established specialist medico-legal practice operating throughout the UK. We specialise in the comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of patients with brain injuries, neurological conditions and trauma. We work on the behalf of both claimant and defendant legal firms

My Assessment
We place a special emphasis on putting you at ease and explaining the process through which you will be taken. We will undertake a comprehensive assessment via neuropsychological and psychological examinations. These take place in a calm, relaxing and comfortable environment at one of our clinics based accross the UK.
Koseen Ford and Associates run clinics in Harley Street London, Leeds, Manchester and Newcastle. We can also undertake home visits in instances where individuals are unable to make long-distance journeys due to medical conditions. Our team will work with you to arrange a suitable time and location for your assessment.

Our practice team is led by Dr Koseen Ford. We have significant experience in the medicolegal sector, with 30 years of experience working with Solicitors and Barristers throughout the UK, Europe, USA, Australia and India.

Dr Koseen Ford

Simon Jones
Practice Manager

Claire Granger
Personal Assistant