Dr Ford places special emphasis on putting you at ease and explaining the process through which you will be taken in an empathetic manner. This allows Dr Ford to undertake a comprehensive assessment via neuropsychological and psychological examinations.
Neuropsychology assessment
The neuropsychological examination entails taking a history of symptoms and then determining if there is an existence of a brain/neurological injury and then quantifying the effects of this injury or neurological condition on cognitive functioning (cognitive functioning involves thinking skills such as attention, concentration, memory, the speed at which information is processed and how effectively these are undertaken in day to day life). There is also psychological assessment which may impact an individual’s functioning in day to day life. Individuals are seen for a detailed clinical interview and administered a battery of standardised neuropsychological tests. Dr Ford also usually interviews a close relative, carer or friend.
Dr Ford will then take into consideration all evidence (test data, interview, documents considered and medical records) and will comment on the effects of the incident/injury, within the context of pre-incident issues and provide a diagnosis (if appropriate), make treatment recommendations (if required) and a prognosis.
Psychological assessment
This involves a comprehensive, detailed interview with the individual and often relative or carer to ascertain the psychological effects of an incident/incident on the individual’s functioning in essential areas. The assessment will then allow Dr Ford to comment on the impact of the index incident (accident/injury), pre-index incident issues and make recommendations for treatment if required and also provide a prognosis (if appropriate).
Assessments are carried out at clinics in Harley Street London, Leeds, Manchester and Newcastle or via home visits in certain circumstances. Information about our clinics is available here.

About Us
Koseen Ford & Associates are an established specialist medico-legal practice operating throughout the UK. We specialise in the comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of patients with brain injuries, neurological conditions and trauma. We work on the behalf of both claimant and defendent legal firms.
Meet the team
Our practice team is led by Dr Koseen Ford. We have significant experience in the medicolegal sector, with 30 years of experience working with Solicitors and Barristers throughout the UK, Europe, USA, Australia and India.